It is Eating Disorders Awareness Week this week. As some of you know I was a Trainer for the eating disorders charity Beat for seven years. I delivered Eating Disorder Awareness training to GPs, nurses, teachers and social workers amongst others.
When people think of eating disorders they tend to picture those with anorexia, but for every sufferer of anorexia nervosa there are many more with bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder and these often go undiagnosed. Sufferers are often too ashamed of their eating behaviour to seek help. Coming forward and admitting that you have a problem with your eating is the first step to recovery.
If you think you may have an eating disorder, or you are worried about a friend or family member I recommend you visit Beat's website or phone their helpline for advice. Once people get a diagnosis from their GP there are a range of possibilities for treatment and support including complementary therapies. Contact me, Lauren D'Silva, if you'd like an appointment with me in person in Mid Wales or via Skype.